Premarital relationships

Choosing a spouse who is not committed to Deen

Q: There is a girl whom I like very much and when my family met her family, my parents didn't like her family much because they don't follow parda. My parents said they don't like the girl but if I am persistent with the girl they don't have any problem. The girl is pious and committed to deen except that she doesn't wear burqa and wears all modern dresses like t-shirts and jeans. I tried explaining to her about the importance of hijab but she used to get irritated listening to it. I feel I will be able to convince her for hijab and parda in a long-term i.e. if we get married. So my questions are first, should I marry her or not? Second, if I marry her am I disobeying my parents?

Woman threatening to commit suicide

Q: My friend had affair with a married girl for 5 to 6 years. Now he wants to leave that bad affair and wants to come on Allah's path and leave all bad habits, but the girl wants him to continue that affair otherwise she will go for suicide. What should he do? Will this be counted as a sin because he is hurting her by breaking their bad affair? What should he do?

Refusing to make nikaah

Q: Me and my, don’t no what to call him, but we did zina and I got pregnant. We didn’t end up having nikaah. He didn’t want to have it with me still after I had the baby. I’m giving him hints that I want it pure and clean and he does not want to. We are both Muslims, grew up both in Muslim households and I’m just lost. I don’t know what to do.

Boy getting married without the permission of his father

Q: I met a boy and we have been chatting for around 8 months now. He wants me to marry him. He spoke to my parents without consulting his own as we are young and still schooling. We want to do it the correct way and make things halaal. Are we still allowed to get maaried without the permission of his father and if not, how should we go about speaking to his father as he is really scared to?

Daughter dating a non-Muslim

Q: I am a mother to a 21 year old daughter who is a chef by profession and works away from home. She has met a gentleman who is older than her (she is 21) he is in his 30's. He is from the Christian faith (coloured) and wants to marry her with intention of converting to Islam. They have being dating now for a year. He appears to be respectful, and mature and is apparently the owner of an electrical business, however they both work together at the same resort.

She has introduced him to some Islamic ways already and has offered him an English/Arabic Quraan to learn more about Islam. Not much has being discussed with me as her mother, but I fear that they are living together and making their own plans.

I raised this girl by myself as her dad passed away when she was 6 years old. When she was 10 I remarried and had a second daughter, but she was part of all of this. She grew up being very shy and too scared to do things on her own. Mum had to be always there to help.

I am not happy with this relationship. I am not sure if he is being honest. He has offered her his credit card to use at liberty, his car to drive at liberty (BMW), and takes her to a building site where he apparently is building a house for her and his mum. She is currently allowed to help with all the building decisions.

I did not raise my child with no values and beliefs. I am saddened by her choice. She believes that this is her soul mate. Please advice me as to what route to take and how to manage the situation.

Finding a spouse on a matrimonial site

Q: I am a Palestinian woman, 20 years old now in USA, my family is back in Palestine. Desperate for marriage I went on a Muslim matrimonial website and found a Pakistani man to be my husband. I have met his family and spent much time with his family. Due to our tradition though, he says he cannot marry me and will not marry me until he and his parents meet my parents. There really is not a way to make that happen at least for years. What do I do? What are the options for us? We are engaged, will I have to repent to Allah if this does not work out? I am so lost and alone please help.

Haraam relationships

Q: I've been in a relationship with someone for the past five years, the reason we didn't get married earlier was because my mother dissaproved. After a while I lost interest in the young man. Then I met someone new, I love this new person alot, but we had a had some issues and we broke up for a while about four months, so the first guy who had been in the picture earlier asked me if he could marry me so I said okay he could, but a month later the second guy returned back into my life and my heart preferd to be with him, but the other person had already introduced himself to my family.

1. What is the penalty for calling off the engagement with him so I could marry the one my heart is inclined towards?

2. What is the penalty for running away and getting married without my guardians consent, cause I can't tell them about the second person, cause he's not from the same race as I am.

I'd read a question were the answer was that it was shameful to do so, is it just shameful or is there a penalty for doing so with Allah Ta'ala. 

Premarital relationship

Q: I like one girl and she also likes me but due to family situations we cannot marry now or do nikaah in public but to avoid gunnah of zina we want to do nikaah and when the time is right we will marry insha Allah. Is there any way in shariat that before we meet each other alone in any place before that, can we do nikaah by our own without qazi and witnesses? Can we do nikaah on our own?