When is Aayatul Kursi most effective to recite?
Q: When is Aayatul Kursi most effective to recite?
Q: When is Aayatul Kursi most effective to recite?
Q: Is it wrong to make Dua for Allah to severely punish in the aakhirah those rulers who oppress the Muslims?
Q: Can I recite Inshallah, Mashallah, Alhamdulillah, Jazakallahu Khairan, Subhanallah, TabarakAllah, Allah, Allahu Akbar without following the rules of madd and ghunnah?
Q: Is there any specific duas we should read for the Muslims in Palestine?
Q: I would like to know about the prayer that the bridegroom and bride pray together after nikah and before consuming their marriage. How is it performed and why? I will be getting married soon and have heard about this from an old person and he has not been able to give me more details. All the others to whom I have asked, no one knows about it.
Q: My baby boy is almost 2 years old. I'm a single mother. I have a dua and dream that he goes in the right path and becomes very pious or an imam and hafiz. How can he attain that level? Are there any specific duas that I should do and what should I do myself to set these goals?
Q: Is this dua correct: اللهم ايدني بالروح القدس?
What are the benefits of asking Allah for the holy spirit?
Q: If a man doesn't pray 5 times a day but prays Tahajjud Salaah, will his dua be accepted by Allah?
Q: Is there any surah/dua that can be recited for protection from all haraam deeds, words and thoughts? I feel like I am insane since I get bad thoughts which I am not supposed to think about.
Q: Are we allowed to make English duas in Qunoot, after we recite Dua Qunoot?