Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Walking in front of a masbooq

Q: In a small Masjid, the Imam used a sutrah while leading the jamaat (it is a common practice in some places to do second or third jamaat if the main jamaat is missed). Is it permissible to pass in front of people who missed their rakaat with the Imam in these second/third jamaat are completing their prayers. Will they still be considered to be behind sutrah even if Imam has completed his own Prayer?

Hanafi Imaam reciting qunoot in Fajr Salaah in a predominantly Shafiee masjid

Q: When the Shaafiee Imaam is not here, the musallis ask me to lead the Fajr Salaah. Since I'm a Hanafi, will it be appropriate for me to read qunoot with the niyyah of qunoot e naazila so as not to create confusion. It is a Shafiee masjid and many people are ignorant about these fiqhi ikhtilaafs.

I remember once a Hanafi Imaam led the Fajr Salaah and he did not read qunoot. After salaah there was a commotion and people started talking to one another that qunoot was not read. Please guide me what to do.