
Marrying an adulteress


1. What is the meaning of the 3rd ayat of Surah Noor about the fornicator males are for the fornicator females?

2. I have come across that if a wife quarrels with her husband then her husbands hoors curse his wife. Is it true? What happens when it is his fault and he does wrong to the wife?

Delaying sajdah tilwaat in Salaah


1. Zaid recited a sajdah verse in salah, he didn't do sajdah tilaawat straight away but did sajdah tilaawat after reciting a few verses. Is the sajda tilaawat valid?

2. Zaid recited a sajdah verse in salah, he didn't do sajdah tilaawat straight away but did sajdah tilaawat in the second rakaat, is the sajda tilaawat valid? 

Baseless speculations about the Quraan

Q: I am a Muslim and I was reading the Quran and a thought struck my mind that "Maybe after scientists discovered a particular thing, then the Muslims or the Arabs wrote about it in the Quran and said to the world that it is already written in the Quran about 1400 years ago. Take embryology for example, maybe the Arabs were advanced in embryology and discovered things about the embryo and wrote it in the Quran or an=bout astronomy". Please help give a logical answer.

What are humans created from?

Q: In the Quran Paak 15:26 man created from mud (I translated in my own words please check reference) while 21:30 every living thing is created from water (again my own words please check reference). Please tell about these two verses and also, jinat and angels are created from fire and noor? 

Are the following Quraanic Aayaat?

Q: Can you please tell me if these are Quranic Ayahs or not.

1. اذا رأيت من غيرك خلقاً ذميماً فتجنب من نفسك أمثاله

2. أبشروا باليسر يا أهل العسر؛ فوالله لن يغلب عسر يسرين 

3. اذا رأيت أخاك مكروباً فقل له ؛ أبشر الفرج قريب وإذا رأيته في عسرة فقل له؛ أبشر اليسر قريب

4. فالكم بشرى تسر قلوبكم

Are the following wordings from the Qur'an Shareef or the Ahadeeth?

Q: Are the following wordings from the Qur'an Shareef and/or Ahadeeth Shareef?

1. "Hasbiyallaahu fid-deen; Hasbiyallaahu fid-dunya; Hasbiyallaahu laa ilaaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa Rabbul 'Arshil 'Azeem."

2. "Sitrul 'arshi masbuulun 'alayna, wa 'ainullahi naazhiratun ilayna, bi hawlillahi la yuqdiru 'alayna"

3. "Unsurnaa fi-innaka khayrun-naasireen. Waf-tah lanaa fi-innaka khayrul faatiheen. Wagh-fir lanaa fi-innaka khayrul ghaafireen. War-hamnaa fi-innaka khayrurraahimeen. War-zuqnaa fi-innaka khayrur-raaziqeen."