Wishing for one's oppressor or abuser to be dead
Q: Is it a sin to wish that your oppressor or abuser was dead?
Q: Is it a sin to wish that your oppressor or abuser was dead?
Q: I recently got married on 30 April 2023. My wife doesn't have a brain. Her mother is controlling her life and she interferes in my married life. It's two month already and my wife is still staying with her parents. She is asking me for a divorce but I don't want to give it. I want her in my life.
What must I do?
Q: If I force people to click on the ad and then download the file and ad network don't really allow such activities, will my earnings be halaal or haraam?
1. Which book is better for studying the Hanafi madhab; Mukhtasr al Quduri vs bahshti zewar?
2. Also, please state the reasons on the basis you preferred either of the two.
Q: Zaid is in Dubai. Aslam, from Pakistan, is in need of some loan. Zaid does not have a foreign currency account in Pakistan, so when Zaid transfers 2000 dirhams to Aslam, Aslam receives Pakistani rupees equivalent to 2000 dirhams. After one year, the Pakistani rupee value has dropped, now will Aslam return the same amount 2000 dirhams or Pakistani rupees that he received a year back? Or should he return the rupees equivalent to current value of 2000 dirhams?
Q: I fell in love with a woman, but my family forbade me to marry her because she was a slave. After 3 months, we had an abortion and put the child/fetus in the toilet. What is the punishment for doing this in Islam?
Q: When making wudhu using a mudd, what is the preferred sunnah method, does one throw the water in the palms and then use it for each limb, or can one merely submerge the hand in the utensil and use it that way, after washing the hands first?
Q: In Zohar when reading behind the imaam, are we supposed to also read Surah Fatiha and a Surah?
Q: When making dua, should our hands touch each other or be apart? Also, on completing the dua, should we rub our hands over our face?
Q: How many minutes after sunrise can one pray again? Is it correct that one cannot pray salah as well as quran during sunrise or only salah (qadha)?