Taking photographs

Q: What is the verdict on taking photographs? Recently in many newspapers prominent masajid & organizations were photographed after distribution of aid, blankets etc. could the maslah be explained please?

Beard, Miswaak & Turban


  1. Did Nabi (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ever trim His Blessed beard?
  2. If not, how is a fist lenght beard an emphasized Sunnah?
  3. Which is more rewarding; a trimmed fistful beard or a completely untrimmed natural beard?
  4. On what basis is it sinful to trim (not shave) the beard less than a fist length (and not resembling the non-believers)?
  5. Is there any Narration that directly prohibits trimming (not shaving) the beard less than a fist length?
  6. Is Miswaak, wearing a turban on the same level as Sunnah, higher or lower, in comparison to having a fist length beard?
  7. Is a person sinful if he does not use a Miswaak or wear a turban?

Missing Husband

Q: Question is it my cousin he is missing from 10 year 7year to go he did not contact with wife according to one has kno wn person in Australis he say i will never contact with my family but problem is it has wife wanted to merry with me because she have 2 kids and very Alon and she much love me what we can do?

لو لا محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم) ما خلقت أحدا من خلقي

س: في بعض الكتب يذكر هذا القول: "لولا محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم) ما خلقت أحدا من خلقي." ويفهم من سياق الكلام أن هذا القول نسب إلى الله تعالى. السلفية يقولون بأن هذا القول باطل و أن ليس هناك خبر ثابت عن النبي (صلى الله عليه و سلم) بنفس المعنى. و ما هو اعتقاد أهل السنة والجماعة في نفس الموضوع؟ هل نحن أيضا نعتقد بأن هذا القول باطل وأن ليس هناك حديث ثابت بنفس المعنى؟