Doubts regarding the payouts from a deceased person's investments

Q: The deceased had a living annuity where his pension was invested after he retired. There were two investments, one to offset the tax and the remainder for daily living expenses.

The investor split this into four:
Oasis Crescent Equity 10.000%
Futuregrowth Albaraka Equity 10.000%
Excelsior Shari`ah Balanced 25.000%
Oasis House View 55.000%

Question: Is the payout from the deceased estate, which includes above investment values, free from any doubt? If not, if one is inheriting from this estate, what should be done with the money? Is the payout Zakaatable or should all be paid as if it is Interest?

Please advise...

Irregular bleeding after nifaas

Q: A woman gave birth. Continuous bleeding continued for 36 days. It stopped at 36 days. After 7 days, bleeding started again for 10 days. Then she had 10 days of no bleeding. After that, bleeding began continuously for a month (and may continue like this for months).

Her previous nifaas habit was 40 days. Before pregnancy, her last habit was 7 days haidh and 21 clean days.

She calculated the nifaas as a full forty days. She then began performing salaah, despite the bleeding. When the bleeding began 23 days after the 40-day nifaas, she stopped performing salaah for full 10 days. She then took ghusl and began performing salaah. Now 13 days of bleeding have passed after the ghusl.

a) Uptil now, has she acted correctly?

b) Currently, should she stop performing salaah after 15 days or after 21 days as was her habit previously before pregnancy?

c) Should she calculate her haidh as 7 days or 10 days, as she is bleeding continuously?

She is not sure if she should stop her salaah in 2 days or not, or if she should have stopped already.

Tahajjud, Isharaaq, Chaasht and Awwaabeen Salaah


1. How many rakaats can I pray for Tahajjud, without including witr?

2. How many rakaats of Ishraaq can I pray, and when is the time for Ishraaq?

3. When is Chaasht prayer time if Zuhr is at 12:41? And how many rakaats should I pray for Chaasht Salaah?

4. As for Awwaabeen Salaah, how many rakkats can I pray?

Please include any mustahab surah’s that I should recite in the rakaats. e.g. For Ishraq first rakaat, recite Ayat-ul-kursi, and for the second rakaat, recite Surah Ikhlaas. 

Income from a property of a deceased

Q: My father has a property which is on my name. My father gifted my mother a yearly amount from the property over many years when she was alive which was solely for her use. My father is unwell, and is not capable of signing and making decisions because of his illness.

We are 4 children (1 son and 3 daughters). 1 son passed away years before my mother, leaving 1 grandson. Now my siblings want the yearly income that is currently generated from the the property, as they feel their mother used to receive it previously and it should now come to them. Is this money due to the children with my father alive?

What should be done with this money? Should it be put back into the business or be shared with the children? Should the money be put into a trust while my father is still alive? What is the best advice you can give in doing the right thing?

Wearing Nike

Q: I have come across the fatwa on Nike. I have 3 questions:

1. Is the swoosh also impermissible?

2. If a person wears Nike, will he be commiting kufr?

3. What should I do with my Nike clothing?

Maintaining one's composure

Q: I live in a joint family with my 2 kids and husband. For the past few months my behaviour towards people has changed alot. I am speaking too much which I never used to. I am always finding faults and just losing my identity in my family. I try to stay good and calm but something just tends me to do wrong. Please advise me.