Walking in front of the person performing Salaah


1. If a person walks directly in front of you, within a arms reach, in a masjid kabeer, should you restart the Salaah?

2. What about a small masjid?

3. Will the ruling change if the person was walking from in front, stepped directly onto your sajdah spot, walked towards you then pushed through touching your shoulders, but technically didn't cross in front from one side to the other?

Husband and wife not having relations

Q: I want to ask that husband and wife are living together, but husband deliberately not doing sex with his wife. The reason is that he is saying that he doesn't like her. It's been one month since their marriage but husband not giving rights to his wife. I just want to know what will be the impact on their nikaah and till how long their nikaah will be valid?


Q: Could you please send me the details of the shar'ee ruling on cheese, as most of them contain animal rennet.