
Q: When you use to gossip and you ask Allah for forgiveness and promise never to do it again. Should you also ask the people you gossip about for forgiveness or is the one between you and Allah Ta'ala enough?

Not feeling embarrassed to follow the Sunnah

Q: We should follow the Sunnah unless it causes people to look down upon the Sunnah. Example: Eating out and insisting on sitting on the floor as Sunnah, or eating with your hands at a function where everyone is using a fork and knife. Is there any proof from the books of Deen (e.g. Qur'an, Hadith, Fiqh, etc.) or should we not feel embarrassed and follow the Mubaarak Sunnah wherever we are?

Waswasas and doubts

Q: I am suffering from ocd from 11 years. Recently I was on night shift and I slept had a wet dream in morning. I changed my night dress. I couldn't have ghusl so came home like that now I feel that the places I walked in my home are impure. Immediately after reaching home I had ghusal. Now I think as I didn't have ghusl I wore my shoes and socks and dress like that. I think they are impure.