Designing a night club website
Q: I am currently in a lot of financial difficulty. Recently, I was offered a job to design a website for a night club. Can I accept this job?
Q: I am currently in a lot of financial difficulty. Recently, I was offered a job to design a website for a night club. Can I accept this job?
Q: Haiz band honay k aik din bad nahanay se pahlay haiz ka asar saaf karnay par blood nahi lakin khoon wala raisha nikla to jo khali waqt guzra h us ki namaz ada karni ho gi plz sawal ko samjh k ans kijiye ga. JazzakAllahu khaira
Q: Is watching cartoons or movies Halaal or Haraam?
Q: When you use to gossip and you ask Allah for forgiveness and promise never to do it again. Should you also ask the people you gossip about for forgiveness or is the one between you and Allah Ta'ala enough?
Q: We should follow the Sunnah unless it causes people to look down upon the Sunnah. Example: Eating out and insisting on sitting on the floor as Sunnah, or eating with your hands at a function where everyone is using a fork and knife. Is there any proof from the books of Deen (e.g. Qur'an, Hadith, Fiqh, etc.) or should we not feel embarrassed and follow the Mubaarak Sunnah wherever we are?
Q: I am gifted one boy by Almighty Allah. I want to keep his name "Chowdhury Mohammad Manaf Abdullah". Will it be right? And say the meaning also.
Q: I am suffering from ocd from 11 years. Recently I was on night shift and I slept had a wet dream in morning. I changed my night dress. I couldn't have ghusl so came home like that now I feel that the places I walked in my home are impure. Immediately after reaching home I had ghusal. Now I think as I didn't have ghusl I wore my shoes and socks and dress like that. I think they are impure.
Q: In Salaah for women, when sitting in Jalsa position or tashahhud position, it is Sunnah to sit with the both feet towards the right. The question is, should the toes of both the feet face the qiblah or face towards the right?
Q: I just wanted to enquire about the following: When I shower some of the water leaks outside the shower and accumulates on the floor tiles. Does this make the floor napaak and if so how do I make it paak after every time I shower?
Q: I want a good meaning baby name for my new born baby. Can you refer me to some names having good meaning?