Hadith question

Q: During the time of the Sahaba there was a girl who's husband had gone out for a few days and asked her not to leave the house. During those few days, the girl's father was sick and she really wanted to see him but had no contact with her husband to ask his permission. Eventually her father passed away and she didn't even attend his funeral as she couldn't disobey her husband's orders. She later found out that her father was doomed to Jahannum but because of her act of obeying her husband, her father was granted Jannah. Is this story true? What is the full story? Would it be a sin to tell anybody this story if it is not authentic?

Joining a masbooq in Salaah

Q: I am a follower of the Shaafi'i mazhab. In our musjid, which is mainly Shaafi'i the Somalian brothers will join a masbooq who has missed a few raka'ats and they will then follow the masbooq as if he is the Imaam.

1. Is this correct? If yes how should it be done.

2. What should you do if you are the masbooq and someone taps your shoulder or just joins your Salaah to follow you? Your input in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Reverse cameras

Q: Is it permissible to use the reverse cameras that come with new cars, i.e. when reversing it shows on the screen what is behind. One mufti said this is permissible because it is not recording. That would open up the doors for a lot of videoing?

Girl forced into nikaah by her parents

Q: I have a question regarding niqaah. A girl was forced, threatened and pressurized by her parents into the Nikah against her will. So she accepted verbally and in writing against her will and now she is not happy with her husband. She refrains her husband from seclusion, touching and specially having intercourse. She says that the marriage is not valid and she won't live with her husband. Now my question is:

1. If they are not having any kind of physical relation, then will the niqaah be valid? After what time period it will be considered as talaaq if they don't have any physical relation intentionally?

2. If the husband forcefully tries to have some physical relation or touches the wife "forcefully", is it permissible? What will be it's effect on the nikaah?

3. In case the marriage and nikaah is valid, is she permited to ask for Khula'? Please do guide me in detail soon.


Q: I would like to know for hurtmat-e-musaahara to take place for a male he must have an erection, so how does a female know if she committed hurmat-e-musaahara? Also if a person has no desire for there father in-law at all, they just know the rule of hurmat-e-musaahara and due to waswasaa when shaking his hands thinks "I dont want to touch his hands, now I am touching his hand lustfully" and they have a funny feeling. So they don't really know if they actually touched it lustfully or not But they really don't want to touch his hand. They just shaking it because the father in-law gives out his hand to shake. What is the ruling on this? And how can they control this?

Divorce certificate

Q: I have been divorced and got the English certificate and  the Islamic divorce certificate will be coming soon this week. I have known that I have to complete my iddah. I have been separated from my ex husband from april 2015 and applied my divorce on the June 2016. I have not seen him or slept with him. I want to say that do I still need to complete the iddah for three months or do I not have to when receiving the certificate. Can you please reply me. I am kind of confused. Because I have not been with him for more than a year.