Hajj & Umrah

Finding wadi on one's ihraam and clothing during hajj

Q: When I was performing Hajj, in mina, muzdalifah and throughout that day where you stone shayateens etc... I noticed that before and after urination wadi has come out of my private part. I am also sure that wadi touches the ihraam which means that my ihraam may also be not clean during that time. I am worried that my hajj may not have been accepted or may be I have to pay for damm (hajj penalty)?

Appointing someone to pelt jamarat

Q: I performed Hajj this year, Alhamdulillah. We were a group of five, out of which two women were on wheelchair. So we left Mina after praying Fajar on 12th zilhajj. Did Tawaf e Hajj and went straight to azizia, the men came back to jamarat but the women did not. Men pelted jamarat for women as their wakeel. Is the Hajj completed for women? (We did stay whole 12 zilhajj night in Mina).

Embracing a Haaji

Q: I heard that embracing one another on the two Eid occasions by the ummahs usually not done at other days is not permissible in Islam. If so, could they not permit the embracing of haajis at their arrival.

Does one need to tie ihraam when flying over the miqaat when going to Madinah?

Q: Alhamdulillah a few years back Allah had afforded me with the opportunity to perform umrah. We flew from Jhb to Madina, and from Madina then took a taxi to the miqaat to tie ihraam and proceed to perform umrah. However while flying we flew over the miqaat, and I was wondering, were we supposed to tie ihraam on the plane before landing in Madina.If yes, then should dumm be paid?

Leaving Muzdalifah before wuqoof

Q: A friend and his family were not able to stay in muzdalifah on Youm-u-nahar in between fajar to tuloo', not even for 5 mins as they were forced to leave muzdalifah @12:30 (at night) as they were having toddlers and womenfolk with them, so they were not able to offer fajr namaz there in muzdalifah.

One mufti sb told that they should have left the women in mina and came back for wuqoof in muzdalifah, hence they have to offer damm. Another mufti sb told that there is no need for damm. Both are great Deobandi mufti's. What should they do?