Hajj & Umrah

Sister wishing to go for umrah while one is saving money for hajj

Q: I have been saving an amount for the purpose of Hajj (for me and my wife). Suddenly I have been asked by my elder sister to go for Umrah because she does not have any other mehram. Knowing Hajj is Farz while Umrah is Nafil, is it permissible for me to perform Umrah before Hajj with the amount I had saved. (My sister has already performed Hajj once with my father in the past but I have not).

Standing for long periods at the mubaarak grave of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Q: In Madinah, when standing to give salam to the Nabi ﷺ at his blessed grave, the guards usually tell you to move away after a short while. Therefore you are not able to convey salams on behalf of all people who have asked you to do so. What some people do is that they despite being told off by the guards secretly stay longer until the guards physically push them away. Is it permissible to do so, given that you are certain that you do not cause harm and do not disrupt the flow of people by staying longer? Or is it necessary to immediately obey the command of the guards to move?

Performing tawaaf on the second and third level

Q: If a person performs tawaf in the lowest floor around the ka'bah (ie. the sahn floor), it is likely that he will (unintentionally) come in physical contact with women due to the crowd, especially close to the al-hajar al-aswad corner. Will he still be permitted to perform tawaf on this floor (whilst doing his best to avoid contact), or is it wajib for him to perform the tawaf on any of the higher floors where the risk of contact is less?

Making the intention for ihraam while in the plane

Q: I live in Mumbai (India) and I am planning to perform Umrah. I will be taking a flight from Mumbai to Jeddah and continue onwards from Jeddah to Makkah via bus/car. I know that I need to be in the state of ihram while passing the Miqaat. I will wear Ihram at Mumbai airport so that all I have to do while passing the Miqaat (in the air) is make the Niyah.

My query is that I do not know when should I make the Niyah so that I am sure I have not missed the Miqaat boundary. I will be travelling in a flight which will not be notifying me when I pass over the Miqaat area. What is the way that I should follow? Should I make Niyah from Mumbai (India) airport OR should I make Niyaah 1 hour before reaching Jeddah? There can be a chance that I do not pass over any specific Miqaat point (rather pass through between 2 Miqaat points), what do I do in that case? ?

Packing Zam Zam in one's bag when returning from umrah or hajj

Q: When coming back from Hajj/Umrah, Saudi has a rule that each pilgrim may only bring with him 5 litres of zamzam, packed in a special box. People say that the reason for the rule is that they want to avoid water packed in normal bags from spilling on the luggage bands. If a person secretly packs extra zamzam in his normal bags, will he be sinful for breaking the 5 litre rule even if he packs it in a way that he is sure there is no leakage?