Hajj & Umrah

Coming out of Ihraam before cutting one's hair

Q: I went for umrah this past summer. After I completed Tawaf and then Saey, I did not get my hair cut until after taking off the ihraam. After Saey, I went to my hotel room and changed from my ihraam into regular clothes before getting a haircut.  Because of this I am told that I need to do dam (sacrifice to Allah for penance/penalty). My question is do I have to do dam in Haram area or can dam be performed anywhere? I am currently in the USA and cannot go back to Haram. 

Travelling to Jeddah

Q: What is the shar’i ruling in the case where a person (if he is local and his intention is to only do tawaaf and go to Jeddah) passed the miqaat without tying the ihraam? Please answer this query as I have to frequently travel to Jeddah.

Performing Hajj with someone else's money


  1. I am adopted. Can I do hajj from my mother's money if its halaal? Will I be rewarded it's blessing and status, will my sins be wiped out? If I do it for the sake and will of Allah,  will the obligation of fard be full filled?
  2. What if the money is interest based from a bank, will the fard obligation, rewards, blessings will be given fullfilled to the person doing hajj?
  3. What if the money is of my worldly mother's brother's money (Halaal earned), can we do hajj from the money or my mother has to ask permission from her brother first?
  4. Since I am adopted, my mother doing hajj alongside me, will her fard obligation be fullfilled? Will her blessings be given to her, wiping all the sins done in the past? Will it affect my hajj status and blessing?