
Q: My husband passed away three weeks ago. How soon should his children tend to his will? I have no idea where he drew up his will. According to what I know his two daughters from his late wife were gifted all the properties except one as they were conceived out of wedlock. The other property I was told, I inherit an eighth. Is it not a quarter as his daughters are haraam? Also the said property has debt and so has the properties that he gifted to his children. Does the property I inherit from have to cover the debt of the properties his daughters were gifted and only after those debts are paid do I get my share?


Q: My father had died about 20 years ago. My sister has died recently. I am her only blood brother. Me and my sister shared same parents. My mother is still alive (Masha Allah). My mother re-married after my father's death and she has a son. I wanted to ask how my sisters wealth is to be distributed as I am incharge of it. In short, my sister died and has left behind:

1. A full brother.

2. A mother who has done second marriage.

3. A step brother (same mother different father).

Is my mother and step brother entitled to any of the property that my sister got from our father?

Using a tampon

Q: I suffer with continuous slightly coloured discharge but it is not a large amount. I make fresh wudhu for every salaah as my discharge is ongoing. I sometimes due to circumstances am unable to make fresh wudhu and require to keep wudhu (i.e. due to travel or due to work etc). Please let me know if one can use a Tampon to keep wudhu across 2 salaah times, if the tampon remains dry on the bottom end and no discharge exists the outer area onto to under garments?