Written Talaaq

Q: My friend's husband gave her talaq on stamp paper. He wrote three times talaq with my friends name, three times full sentence. He signed it. Two witnesses signatures also there and court stamp is also there. My question is, is this divorce valid and does it count as one divorce?

Bleeding for less than 15 days between two haidh

Q: Please clarify: My haiz cycle is such that I bleed every 15 days for 9-10 days complete. and sometimes I bleed before my 10 days of haiz. In Ramadhaan my haiz completed 10 days. On the 14th day of my clean days I started bleeding again. And it continued like that till the end of my haiz period. (2 days istehaza + 10 days haiz). my query is this. My time of haiz begins at 3pm on the 15th day of my clean days. I checked before 3pm, prayed asr and only checked again after maghrib. Do I repeat the fast of this day as qazaa or is the fast valid.

Calling oneself a kaafir

Q: I want to ask, I'm a Muslim wife and in the state of anger I committed a sin...Me and my husband used to fight everyday in the start of our marriage. One day I got frustrated and in the state of extrme anger I said why Allah did this to me... I'm angry with Allah... and from now I'm not a Muslim... I'm kafir etc... but I was very angry at that moment but after that I realised how could I do this... I'm a true Muslim and perform salaah 5 times a day... I made taubah to Allah for that sin committed in anger and promised him not to do it again... Kindly let me know if this will affect my marriage.

Being casual with one's female students

Q: I am a working as a teacher from the past 7 Years. I had a student who be my student for 4 years. She wears proper Hijab/ abaya in my presence. In the third year she called me Baba (Father) and from then we became father and daughter.

Now my question for you is that is it allowed in Islam to have any relation like this?

Secondly and most importantly she sometimes puts her head on my shoulder and I, many times give bosa (kiss) to her head only. Till now the intentions are pure but is it allowed in Islam? or just to have relation is allowed or bosa (kiss) or other acts like this are not allowed.