Investing in companies

Q: I am by profession a freelancer and also a teacher. In the current situation I have observed that giving education has emerged as an industry to earn hefty amounts. There are different cases that I have observed. Academies just know to snatch fee in different ways. I have aim to provide free quality education. But my problem is that I cant support all at a once. For that I have come across an asset management company. Where our individual investments are invested in various other company's stock, shares, debentures, debt securities. They disburse the payments in case they earn the profits. These companies have policy to stand equally responsible in terms of losses. As for profits are concerned we are not given a fixed percentage, instead proprtionate to profits. I am wandering whether to invest in such companies in order to support the poor students. I am bit confused that if these companies invest in such activities where they will generate interest income. Whether i can use these profits or income for the betterment of poor students. So that they may avail the opportunities in education. I want to provide them a platform where their dreams may come true.

Please guide me whether I can invest in such company and can utilise that amount just for the sake of spreading education. And give them relief from such academies, who are just cutting their pockets. Please help me in achieving my goal.

Concern to change one's life


1. I used to make sincere tawba but now a days I cannot make tawba because I do it repeatedly.. Such as I touch Ayah during hayez unintentionally but there is no other choice as I read islamic books and ayah is always there even in siratun nabi.. Should I stop reading books?

2. I want to have good akhlaq but I have bad temper and low self esteem.. How to have good akhlaq and a clean heart?

3. I want to give dawah but I don't get correct words or the confidence to give dawah..

4. I want to be with correct people ma shaa Allah I go to talim they are always in a spirit to help.. But I want to avoid backbiting there is no such place where there is no backbiting and negativity and I also try to read books but there is always contradiction.I started reading Naim Siddiqui's book on our Prophet but his thinking was kind of political. Should I read this kind of writer's books?

5. After listening to a lecture of Maulana Tariq Jamil I used to make dua in my mind before salam in namaz, sometimes I took more time than the tasbeeh is my salah valid?

6. Sometimes I feel Allah is not helping such as I said Bismillah wala barakatullah with belief that there will be baraqah but the rice got overcooked and my mother complained that it caused her stomach disease ,I wanted a blessed ramadan the first two days tarawih was invalid and I suffered so much waswasa I had to make wudu 10 11 times.. I started to wear full niqab the next very day something happen that never happened when I didn't put niqab.. I wanted to hide and go to another room in order to do parda but all the rice dal fall on the floor in front of everybody.. What is the explanation behind these.. I am trying to please Allah!

7. When I am on my period how should I do aamal? Should I do the zikir which I use to do after every salah?

8. I want to be in a routine but I always fail to do so.. Please tell me what a good Muslim's routine should be..

Please make dua for me and my husband (may be he is trying to become a good muslim but his environment is not deeni) and my family..

Fear of marriage

Q: My question is that I lost my youth (jawani) and my parents are forcing me to marry, but I cant because of fear of ruining another persons life by marriage, so can I marry?


Q: My wife is pregnant with 14 weeks but we dont want to keep this child as we have already one small child of 1 year. Should we go fot abortion? And if we do abortion then what khaffara do we have to give?

Using make-up

Q: Soon I am getting married and I am bound to have makeup from a parlour on my wedding day and I dont know which makeup brand the parlour uses, whether it is halaal or haraam makeup. Will the namaz be valid with such makeup of which halaal/haraam status is unknown?

Performing a secret nikaah

Q: I want to marry a girl of my choice.. My mother and father both agreed upon this.. The girl's parents also agreed upon this.. But their will be a gap of a year as they agreed upon. But due to Islamic reasons and due to sins, we want to perform a secret nikaah to stop sins and to have the mercy of Allah SWT.. When the time comes we will perform nikaah before everyone. Pls guide me..

Moon sighting

Q: How this moon sighting thing works in different countries? Why eid is celebrated on different days by different people of country? The Hadith says not to fast on the day of eid.. Please clarify.