Mince pies containing brandy

Q: I bought a pack of mince pies today, which unfortunately contain brandy; however not sure what percentage it contains. To the best of my knowledge, the rest of the ingredients are halaal. I bought the same pack once before, and noticed the ingredients mentioned brandy, but decided to throw them away as to be on the safe side. Now, not sure that was the appropriate action to have taken. I bought the same packet, this time round forgetting about the brandy issue associated with it! My question is; what should I do with this packet of 6 mince pies? Should I throw them away? Give them away? Eat them? How do I go about this problem brother? Thanking you for your time and efforts.

Skype and video calling one's wife

Q: I am living in Saudi and I am from Pakistan. I often call my wife through imo or skype. Sometime I feel a lot of sex and often I see some sex urine from me not urine but like urine white colour. I am sure that all men have this kind of urine before sex or after seeing some sex or woman but my question is if that water or urine come out, can I do zikar? If not then what to do? I love zikr, istighfaar, etc, but that is a big problem for me.

Going to a hindu woman for massages for medical reasons

Q: I am a woman. I have sluggish blood circulation problem and severe anemia leading to weak heart and CHD. I do not wish to take the allopathic treatment which eventually leads to operations. I have been advised to take body massage as alternative. Can I go for massages by a hindu ayurvedic lady doctor. I am a married woman with grown up children.

Which mazhab should one follow?

Q: My question is regarding which madhab to follow? Growing up I was told that I am a Shafee. My mother is a Hanafi and I have only been trained in the Hanafi Madhab. We also live in South Africa which is a majority Hanafi country. Kindly advise on how should I proceed with my religious obligations?

Burying a non-muslim


1. If a non-muslim passes away and he does not have any relative to bury him besides one Muslim relative, will it be permissible for the Muslim relative to bury the non-muslim deceased? Further, if the Muslim relative does not have wealth to pay for the burial, can one assist him by giving him some wealth to fulfill this need?

2. After a non-muslim is buried, generally the family of the non-muslim feed those who attended the burial. During this meal, alcohol is served. Will it be permissible for the Muslim relative to honor this custom by hosting it or contributing to it in any way? Similarly, if it is permissible for other Muslims to assist the Muslim relative financially, can the money that they give him be used for this meal?