Hair dye

Q: I wanted to color my hair to brown, is it permissible to do so? I read on that it is permissible, but is it really the case?


Q: Is it permissible for someone to give away his newborn to his brother or sister if they don't possess a child and the child is to to be adopted forever.


Q: In ghusl, if I do not not wash my feet and feet's sole and it gets wet by water which I used for ghusl on other parts of the body and with my unwashed wet feet I roam in my house, is my floor or clothes impure and can I pray on my floor and with these clothes? Because I wore my pants when my feet unwashed but wet which transferred wetness to my pants probably impure water. And In fajr I am unable to find enough time to pray with purity because I have urine drops problem in fajr which may take 1 to 1 and half hours to get pure which I don't and cannot give can I be considered mazur for fajr time and can I pray in jamaat in this condition? Please suggest some zikr or Dua or salawat to get rid of waswasas (satanic whisperings) which have taken over my life now I miss two prayers on average daily because of it.