Wrong thoughts

Q: I was getting help from the teacher for a questions and I was sitting and some bad sexual thoughts came to my mind and I randomly was shaking my leg to and the thought gave me a weird feeling in my private area but soon left also I was shaking my leg but not for the purpose to get rid of that feeling as soon as I realized I even was shaking my leg I stopped but since I was concentrating on my work the thought left my mind and later when I got up I felt a slight bit of wetness and when I came home there was a bit of discharge. Am I napaak?

Fixing a ceiling in turnover clause rental agreement

Q: I read the fatwa regarding rental based on percentage of turnover being impermissible. I would like to query further that in the case where the landlord fixes a maximum amount for the rental, so that in the event of the turnover being a very large amount, the rental will not surpass the ceiling that has been fixed for the rental, will the ruling change in anyway? Most commercial properties work in this way and many tenants request this type of an agreement and are pleased with it.

Wet dream and impurity


1. If I see a wet dream and I am wearing a pad, does it make the bed sheet najis if there are no signs of impurity on it? Should I change the bedsheet

2. I keep my scarf for prayer on the same bed. Has it become najis?

3. If I put clean wet or dry clothes on the same bedsheet, will they become impure?

Avoiding places of fithna

Q: There is this particular place where there are meat shops and vegetable/fruit areas. This place is also flocked with men and I can't keep my eyes averted from them on the floor for long. I usually ask my parents not to go there, or at least leave me home, but we usually always go there since that is about the only place we know to buy meat from. What should I do in this situation? I do cover my face and body before stepping out, but my eyes are exposed.