Mazi coming out while fasting

Q: My question is during one Ramadhaan while fasting my wife accidentally sucked my private part (wife was not fasting) out of excitement. I immediately withdrew. But after that there was a seminal discharge. I heard in such a case the fast is broken. Please tell me what is the sharia'h ruling in this case? 

Correcting mistakes in taraweeh Salaah

Q: In taraweeh I am behind the hufaaz. If they make mistakes do I have to correct them immediately or can they repeat it the next day? And if correcting it the next day do they have to read the full ayah or just half of the ayah in which the mistake was made. What's the hukm of reading mistakes from different parts of the Qur'an. Eg, reading a mistake from the 16th para then from 18th para then from 19th altogether?