Woman threatening to commit suicide

Q: My friend had affair with a married girl for 5 to 6 years. Now he wants to leave that bad affair and wants to come on Allah's path and leave all bad habits, but the girl wants him to continue that affair otherwise she will go for suicide. What should he do? Will this be counted as a sin because he is hurting her by breaking their bad affair? What should he do?

Secret marriage

Q: I would like to know if I could talk to a non mahram for the purpose of a secret marriage as my first wife will not agree to my 2nd marriage and is asking for a divorce if I marry a 2nd wife so hence i am considering a 2nd marriage.

Refusing to make nikaah

Q: Me and my, don’t no what to call him, but we did zina and I got pregnant. We didn’t end up having nikaah. He didn’t want to have it with me still after I had the baby. I’m giving him hints that I want it pure and clean and he does not want to. We are both Muslims, grew up both in Muslim households and I’m just lost. I don’t know what to do.

Accepting zakaat to pay off a debt

Q: If a man is in debt (for example R100 000 debt), is he allowed to accept zakaat to pay off the debt?

Bear in mind that the man has no assets in his name (his father has assets such as properties and a business, but the son himself has no wealth or assets). The debt is in the name of the business that the father owns, but the responsibility of the debt is the son's (the father is unaware of the debt). The son however, is in possession of stock to the value of his debt, but the stock is not selling. Can the son receive zakaat in order to pay off his debts?

Driving with a pass plus driving license without passing the test

Q: I’m in a bit of a tricky situation. My dad has paid for my insurance (in UK where insurance is compulsory) which has been reduced because I have completed a driving scheme (pass plus) according to him. However, I haven’t completed it according to the rules. Thus can I still drive the car as my real insurance would be higher, meaning technically according to a driving instructor who works for the driving agency I haven’t completed it.