Meaning of "murat"

Q: When I attended maktab madrasah, I always heard about murat and I didn't understand anything about it and now when I am teaching maktab I keep telling my kids to cover up the eyes.

Can I have an explanation and if there are any benefits in covering the eyes?

Intimacy after nikaah before rukhsati

Q: From the start of my early life I had never been focused on any aim and still now I am regretting it why I am not clear about my aim. I am feeling like a burden on this earth. I never wanted to be engaged before marriage. After my BS honors I got engaged, to whom I got engaged he is totally of a different chemistry life style. He always wanted to be bold in our relationship whereas I believed in intimacy after marriage.

A lot of misunderstandings and quarrels occurred between us. Just before nikah, I was totally blamed for not being expressive in showing my feelings or whatever. He always wanted a bold relationship, bold talks whereas I denied it just because I knew its not allowed in Islam. To save this relationship and respect of my parents I totally vanished my personality, my own resemblance. I have done my mphill but still I feel nothing to myself.

Why every time girls have to shut their mind soul and feelings even after nikah (rukhsti is in coming Nov) he wants to have full intimacy. I know it is allowed after nikah when he come to visit me but I want to have all this after rukhsati. 

Musaafir staying in a place for 15 days and travelling safr distance in between his stay

Q: I've travelled from Mumbai to Jaipur (distance 1150 km) on 30th Aug 2019 on an official visit and my stay will be till 14th Sep (total of 15-16 days). Insha-Allah on 2nd Sep I'll be going to Ajmer for 1 day on a personal visit (distance 135 km) and shall come back on the same day to the same hotel. After coming back I'll stay upto 14th Sep for offical work.

After arrival in Jaipur, should I offer qasar namaaz as per hanafi school of belief?

Marrying a girl who committed zina

Q: I want to know a fatwa on zina. If a girl do zina once in her life before engagement with someone else and seeks forgiveness from Allah and after sometime she got engaged with a person who did not do zina in his entire life and the girl tells her fiance that she did zina mistakenly. Now she seeks forgiveness since she did this sin. What is the order of shariah about this? Is the nikah halal or haram with that girl?

Being forced to attend a khatam

Q: My family has a katham every year, the changing of the flags. I know it's not as per the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) teachings, and it's innovation. But I'm forced to do it, as I will get shouted at.

Please advise, am I sinning if I do the katham? I tried to refuse previously and I got swearing. They don't understand it's not as per the sunnah and I'm living under their roof. So I'm basically forced to do it. What do I do?