Earning through applying make-up for women

Q: I have recently started a part time make up course so that I can start earning money to help with expenses for my husband and kids. I have already spent money on the course and on buying the necessary things to do make up for other clients but I realized that it may not be permissible to do make up for others.

1. Would I get the sin for doing make up for women who then go without hijab to functions or mix with non mahrams? Will my income be haraam?

2. Also are we allowed to use stick on synthetic lashes for women who request so? If I had realized earlier I would not have invested in this course and the make up needed

Secretly giving one's wife extra money

Q: Sometimes I secretly replace my wife's money from her purse with a bigger amount. For example, if she had R50, I take the R50 for myself and replace it with a R100 without her knowing in order to surprise her. When she comes to know of a bigger amount, I lie to her and tell her it was miracle that took place from the side of Allah. It really pleases her when she hears stuff like this, miracles etc. 

My questions are:

1. Am I guilty of the sin of lying?

2. By me replacing her money with a larger amount, is this regarded as Ribaa?

Living with dogs inside a house

Q: My wife is a revert Muslimah masha Allah and she prays salah daily. Her parents are not Muslims and we do not live with them. Her parents have two dogs. I know that dogs are najis and haram. My question is that her parents are going to England for 5 days and they asked my wife to be in their home for 5 days because nobody is there to look after their dog by giving it food etc. My wife asked me if we can stay in their home for 5 days. The dog lives inside their home so what I should do?