Marital issues

Q: Is it wrong for me to stay away from my wife because she will not wear hijab? I told her that she should wear hijab nicely and I encourage her by teaching her how important it is. After I realized that she does not want to change, I stopped seeing her.

Also, before marriage she told me that she would do it. Alhumduallah I have changed a lot since marriage and I don't want to support her sins as I am responsible for it. Since I stopped seeing her, she got upset and now she likes to ignore me at times.

Also is it wrong for her to be very close to and hang out with her male cousins? She also sends them pictures without hijab daily with sweet text messages. I asked her to stop and she won't. 

Issuing a talaaq for legal reasons

Q: My sister got married and after few months her husband ran away to a neighbouring country for some political reason. She was pregnant and got a baby. After two years waiting, he couldn't come back but the only way was she has to follow him. But because she is the wife of that man, the country's law doesn't allow her to leave anywhere unless she is divorced from him so they made an agreement and he sent her a divorce letter. The question is, is their marriage accepted or not?

Reading Quraan on a laptop or phone


1. Can we recite/touch Quranic verses on mobile or laptop screen without wuzu?

2. Similarly, during her period, can a girl touch Quranic verses and their translation e.g. if a girl is learning tarjuma and tafseer, then can she continue to learn this way on the phone without reciting the Quranic verses, just scrolling down and learnng visually?

Different pronunciations in the istikhaara dua

Q: In Istikhara dua in some books it says Faqdirhuli and waqdir liyal Khair with a kasra (zer) under the daal, in other books it says Faqdurhuli and waqdur liyal Khair with a dhamma (pesh) on top of the daal, are both correct?

If not, which one is correct, daal with a dhamma or kasra in both places?

Could you please write the whole Istikhara dua with the correct Harkat?

Using a stolen cellphone

Q: I have a Muslim friend and he shared something with me secretly but I couldnt answer... he said that once he stole a telephone from someone, and he is still using that, but he cant find the owner to return it. I told him to sell the phone and give the money in charity.. but I am not a scholar so I am not sure what he should do?

Reading books of a doubtful nature

Q: I would like to know about Nawaqid al Islam by Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab. I have asked around at bookstores asking about it but no one has heard of it. I read it is about shirk and nullifiers so I would of like to read it but I cant understand if it is reputable to read? Is it something that is debatable? Can you please shed some light on the above mentioned book?

Eating honey and olive oil

Q: I would like to know about the sunnah of honey and olive oil and how to eat it. I read some information online and what most of the websites say is that the sunnah way of eating honey is by adding it to boiling water and having it on an empty stomach, but wouldn’t the hot water kill the nutrients in the honey? And for the olive oil, would it be sunnah to have two tablespoons in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach ?