Taking one's wife back after a talaaq-e-baain

Q: Please advise me. During an argument I said to my wife "we're over" with the intention of divorce. Then two days later I said to her "stop calling me, its over" again with the intention of divorce and then a week later I said to her "you're on your own" with intention of divorce. Then I gave her one written talaq in a letter. So now we find out she is pregnant, can I take her back or not?

Secretly practising Islam

Q: I have accepted Islam by saying the shahadah only. I want to practice Islam completely but I am not able to get in it because my family is against Islam very strictly. If I tell them about it, they will not think twice about killing me. I am not scared of dying, my fear is about this that I have not been able to perform salah and I am unable to do such things which are farz for a Muslim. If I died like this, then Allah will punish me alot, this is the reason, I fear death. I tried to explain to my household that they should abandon idol worship, but they became very angry and I did not tell them further about Islam. I am trying to change them for the last 1 year but nothing has happened till now and I have to go to the temples even though I don't want to go with them to do some Hindu rituals. I have some questions for you:

1. Is it justified to leave the house because of this condition for me?

2. I have heard that any person who says "Subhna Allahu wa Bihamdihi" 100 times a day, all his sins will be forgiven?

3. If I die here accidently, before leaving my family, without completely getting in to Islam, will Allah forgive me?

4. According to you, what should I do at this point in my life?

You are welcome if you want to give me more advices regarding to my life. 

Iddat after talaaq

Q: I have a friend and her family relations were not good since 2-3 years. Her dad divorced her mom 90 days ago. Today, after 90 days have been completed and she kept that divorce as a secret and didn't tell her daughter because she doesn't want to see her cry. What should she do now? Her father called today and said 90 days are over, what you want now? Is her mother's iddat considered? She didn't know that she has been divorced. What should we all do for her.

Breaking an oath

Q: I made an oath that I won’t do a particular thing ever again (anytime in the future). If do it then will it be considered as shirk? Now I broke it so does that mean whenever I do it again it will be considered as shirk even after I broke the oath?

Wearing a taweez

Q: I wanted to ask whether its permissible to wear a taweez (on arms) as I have my driving test next week. I know that wearing taweez is bid’ah and a form of shirk. But I’m not too sure of wearing the ones which you can wear when we have exams etc. I just want to ask before I commit shirk whilst doing my test.