Seeing little redness after one's haidh ends

Q: I had haidh for nine days but I thought it was 10 days and I made ghusl because I thought it will be istehaza.. Before performing ghusl I found it clear but immediately after that I found some reddish so I was not sure if it was completely clear or not but before performing ghusl it was clear. In confusion I performed ghusl anyway as I thought it was the 10th day. If I perform salah in this condition is my salah valid. After ghusl I performed asr and maghrib and I never checked during this time. After maghrib I checked and it was clear.. Is my salah valid? Or should I repeat them?

Suspending talaaq without the intention of talaaq

Q: My wife lives with our kids in our home country in the upper portion of the house while my parents and younger sisiter stay in the lower portion. I live in some other country. There were alot of conflicts between my wife and parents. One day, I asked my wife to stop going downstairs to avoid any further arguments. I threatened her by saying that if she goes down, our relation will be over without any intention of divorcing her. She asked me about going downstairs to use washroom to wash our baby which I allowed her. She went down, washed the baby and use one of the room to change the baby's diaper many times after that. When I went home, she sat many timmes with me downstairs. Things got normal after a few days and my wife made up with my parents. She also started going down to speak to them. However, she did not ask me before going down and I have no problem with that. Is there anything wrong we have done? 

Holding the patient liable for lawyer’s fees and court charges

Q: If a patient doesn’t settle his debts with a doctor for treatment and medication he received, or a customer doesn’t settle his accounts with a shopkeeper for goods that were sold to him, and the doctor or the shopkeeper respectively file a case against them and the matter goes to court, can the doctor or shopkeeper hold the client responsible for the court charges and the lawyer’s fees?

Mopping a floor with an impure mop


1. My sister mopped the bathroom that my younger brother used, and the bathroom had pee drops on the floor as my younger brother doesn't exercise caution when it comes to pee drops. Then, not knowing this, I used the same mop and mop bucket with the same used water inside, to mop the whole living room. While the living room was wet, everyone walked all over it, and the wetness transferred everywhere in the house. By the time I learned a few days later that the mop had been used to mop the bathroom, all the wetness had been dried. What should be done in this case?

2. Also, my mother prayed on the living room floor (no prayer mat, just on the floor) many prayers. Does she have to repeat them?

Disowning one's children

Q: I'm a mum and my daughter went to marry a guy behind our backs and it's her second marriage. We were not happy about it but she says that she's very happy. She only told me this yesterday and her father doesn't even know yet and I'm very worried what he's reaction will be. I have disowned her. Have I done the right thing? There two little grandchildren of mine which I have disowned too and it's hurting me very badly. Please advice. 

Can jin control humans?

Q: My question is about jin and aseeb. Can you please guide me on what are the views in Islam regarding jin and aseeb. Specifically, do jins have that much power to control the activities and every thing of humans. I mean, can jins control humans. As people nowadays say that a particular person is effected by jins.