Bad thoughts of Allah Ta'ala

Q: I have a serious problem of blasphemous abusive words that comes frequently for Allah. Now I am just ignoring it but before I didnt know how to deal with them. A few years back, I used to correct those thoughts and repeat within my mind, by saying that Allah is great. And then I used to say blasphemy words to shaitan that you are this..... (bad and vulgar words). Sometime ago I was talking to my relative, and all of a sudden when I was correcting her I spoke those bad words for Allah. Since then I am very upset and have feeling remorse. Sometimes this thought comes that I am actually thinking these words on purpose.

Eating meat

Q: Some sisters were having a conversation on the eating of meat. One sister commented that there is a hadeeth where the Prophet Muhammed sallallahu alahi wa salaam says: "Do not let your stomach become a graveyard for animals." I have never heard of this hadeeth nor seen it anywhere. I once saw that Ali radhiyallahu anhu said that, otherwise no one can give clear proof.

Assisting beggars

Q: What are we supposed to do with the beggers around the street and market from which most of them are physically normal and mentally stable while other are handicapped or old. Should we help them by giving them money or not?

Delaying in performing Hajj

Q: A man who possesses the nisaab is not performing Hajj because if he does so, his parents will get hurt as they have not yet performed Hajj/Umrah. Should he perform Hajj or should he delay the Hajj so that his parents are not hurt?

Another person planned to go for Hajj, but his father said that he cannot go unless he pays him a huge amount. The son couldn't pay him the amount and so he didn't perform Hajj, as he thinks that by disobeying his father, he will not enter Jannah. What should he do? Listen to his father or perform Hajj?