Failing exams despite working hard

Q: Repeatedly I am failing in my exams despite my hard work and wish to pass the exam. Currently I am doing Cost and Management Accounting. I just want to ask if there is any luck factor that I am failing? I used to pray and make duaa also to pass the exam. If there is a luck factor involved, please give me a wazifa or amaal.

Purchasing a cat

Q: My family wants a kitten/cat. I live in the USA, and where I live it's very hard to find someone who's giving away a cat. I heard that it's not permissible to buy a cat. Can you please tell me the ruling on this? Can I buy a cat?

Issuing a talaaq after having intimacy with one's wife

Q: I have been separated for 10 months. My wife and I have had no contact during this time. She came to my house one night and we were intimate. The next day I had regretted and wanted to proceed with talaaq. I was advised that I cannot proceed with talaaq for 30 days because of the intimacy we had. My wife had her womb removed and cannot fall pregnant. Can I still request talaaq before the 30 day waiting period?

Working for a company that sells stationery and liquor

Q: I currently work for a company that retails and distributes stationery and office products. The company has recently applied for a liquor license at their main distribution, which if granted will allow companies to purchase their alcohol and have it delivered with stationery needs. It is estimated that the sales of liquor will make up less than 1% of total sales. I joined the company a few months ago and would like to know if it is prohibited for me to work for them if the license is granted and sales are so small in comparison to other products?

Calculating the days of haidh


1. Sometimes women feel like discharge but she doent see it at that time. Later when she sees, it is red or blood and she is not sure that it was red discharge when she felt discharge or it could not have been discharge also, it could just be a feeling of discharge. So from when should she count her haidh days? (This is in the case of istehaaza)

2. I felt discharge before esha azaan, but i didnt see it. Later when I was getting ready to pray esha I saw blood on my clothes. I dont know the exact time, how many minutes were left for esha. From when should I count my haidh days to take ghusl? Because if I delay my ghusl then my maghrib salaah will become qaza. I have istihaaza.

Discussing subjects contrary to Islam with a non-Muslim

Q: I was having a conversation with a non-Muslim acquaintance, and she was talking about her belief which had stuff to do with energy and spiritual stuff. And she was talking about things contrary to Islam but I did not clearly state 'you are wrong, I believe the complicit opposite, etc..." because she is very into being accepting and to me it seemed that telling her she was wrong and so on, right then and there, when she doesn't know much about Islam would turn her away from Islam and make her think is was a harsh religion.

Note that I am not apologetic about Islam in any way, I just did not want her to turn away from Islam before she understood what is was about. Is staying quiet like this a sin? Even though she knows that I am Muslim and do not share her beliefs, if I don't refute them out loud, is it sinful?

Also, occasionally I would shake my head or say yes when she was speaking, not as a way of agreeing with what she says but rather as a way to show I understood what she was saying. As I said, she knows I am Muslim and have different beliefs. Is this a sin? Would this take me outside of Islam?

I met with a second time, and once again I did not outright refute her when she talked about beliefs and I did not feel confident about giving her dawah as I feel I do not have enough knowledge to speak, and I am generally very inarticulate so instead I gave her a book on the introduction to Islam. Is this right?

Making tayammum and performing Salaah on a bus

Q: Once I was in bus and the asr time was running out and due to discharge coming out I did not have wudu plus I had to wash the area, so I thought I should go home then pray but time ran out, it became qada. In this case what should have I done? Is doing tayammum by the touching the bus seat where I don't see any sand but it should be there, is valid? While praying in the bus if the bus turns it direction, is my prayer valid? Should I open my face (for salah) in front of people?