Requesting a divorce from one's husband

Q: My husband is interested in other women. He stares at other women and he has told me that he cannot stop his eyes by staring at other women. He talks to every renter i.e. women. He makes other women sit on his bike by telling silly reasons and he even took pictures of our servant on his mobile. He texts awkward messeges to facebook girlfreinds. I made many duas in order to take him on the right path but his behaviour is not changing. Now I'm fed up with him and I cannot bear him anymore. My in law's also never take care about me. I wanted to take divorce, is it permissible?

Wearing niqaab in a western country

Q: I have questions regarding the niqab. I know that it is worn widely in the Middle East. What about in the West, I live in North Carolina and I’ve been wanting to wear it but have been confused because some say you can’t and some say it’s not appropriate for the West. I just want some clarity on this especially if you are still in school, as in High School would this be appropriate?

Wearing a jilbaab

Q: Is it necessary to wear a jilbab (a garment that starts from the top of the head), or is it permissible to wear an abaya (with the same coverage but starts from shoulders) along with a hijab?

Not wishing to listen to the Quraan before an exam

Q: Is it sinful to not want to listen to the Quran right before an exam because you fear that listening to it might cause you to forget some of the stuff you are trying to memorize for the exam? Would it take one outside of Islam to think that the Quran could cause any sort of harm? Obviously, harm can only occur with the permission of Allah, but I mean thinking that the reason for the harm could be the Quran?


Q: I wore hijab two years ago and now I really want to take it off. I have been waiting for few months for that feeling to change and it's not changing. I pray and I read Quran but the environment is not helping me. A lot of people are mistreating me because of it and I feel people treat me through the hijab not for who I am. I have been searching a lot to understand why I must wear it but nothing convinced me.