Jokingly getting married

Q: Does a nikah done as a joke (just for the sake of fun) in a friends gathering without the presence of the wali, become valid?

Is it valid when the girl says yes just because of peer pressure of acceptance in a group and without having the knowledge of the sensitivity of this subject/issue of nikah.

Boy studying with girls

Q: I am a boy who studies in school. I am very shy and modest and I do not like to be mixed up with girls. In my class I am from the engineering group in which there are 3 girls and 2 boys including me. My friend is mostly absent, so I am the only boy studying with the other 3 girls. I am very tense because of this as this is against my nature and I cannot tolerate this.

Moreover, those 3 girls like me and irritate me intentionally by continuously looking at me, or speaking only when I ask questions from teacher and intentionally going into and out of the classroom near my desk. I am very worried and cannot even study properly because of this as thoughts about those girls constantly come to my mind. What should I do to get rid of these girls.

Reciting an amal during haidh

Q: A few weeks back my father met a Moulana, who gave him an amal to perform for solution to any problems.

Starting on a Thursday night either after Maghrib or Esha salaah, without communicating with anyone, one should recite the following 11 Durood before and after 70 X Surah Fatiha on Thursday and should be decreased by 10 each day thereafter. The amal should be repeated for 5 weeks without any breaks.

I would like to that during the period that a female experiences her menses, does she stop performing the amal during the time and restart on the first Thursday after she becomes paak or can she continue performing the amal.

Reciting durood without wudhu


1. Can I recite durood without wudhu or I've been doing a sin?

2. Which durood should I recite before I sleep because I only recite Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam or Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi wa Ashaabihi Wasallam and I drink milk every night.

3. I know Rasululllah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) taught us a du'a after drinking milk. Can you please teach me that dua'a.