Making ghusal with a fractured arm

Q: I am a 26 years old male. My right hand has got fractured and with plaster of Paris... Due to it I cannot use it and can't remove my upper clothes (shirt, etc.). I can go to the washroom on my own but I can't take a bath due to the injury. However I can only perform wudu (with masah on injured hand) and can wash lower part of my body i.e. legs and face and head. What is the ruling if ghusal gets obligatory upon me.... Should I make tayammum instead of ghusal or washing lower part of body, face and head and wet hand on upper body will suffice?

Making multiple intentions for good actions

Q: I understand that it is shirk to intend to do worship for the sake of Allah as well as someone else (that the intention should only be for Allah). Is it shirk to have both the intention to achieve something as well as to please Allah when you're doing tasks that normally are not worship?

Say for example, you are cooking, both to feed your family but also because you hope Allah will be pleased with you and reward you for feeding your family. Or, giving your mother a foot massage both to please your mother and to please Allah. Is this shirk? If not, how does it differ?

Suspended talaaq

Q: Due to a conflict between my in-laws and me, I left my wife at her parents home with the condition to solve this prolonged issue within 10 (ten) days. I said to her to tell her parents that if this issue is not sorted out by her parents withen 10 days then you (she) must stay at your (her) parents home. I will not be responsible for you and your future. After this period all efforts from your parents side will be useless. They did not contact me at that time, and now they approached me after three months. Can we continue our marital life now or is the separation done?

Pharmacist receiving gifts from companies for prescribing their products

Q: I am working as a pharmacist in a big hospital. Our market is a generic market where the doctor prescribes the chemical name on the prescription rather than the brand name. The brand is selected by the pharmacist. The same medicine will be sold by different pharmaceutical companies under different brand names but will have the same chemical name. Example, the chemical paracetamol is in brand names like adol, calpol, panadol, tylenol, etc.

My question is that representatives from the pharmaceutical companies come to us and tell us that if we sell their company brand, they will give us some vouchers or a gift. Is taking this gift or voucher from the reps of the pharmaceutical companies allowed in Islam?


Q: My father made his will in September this year and in the event of his death my brother gets my father's assets. Unfortunately my brother passed away on the 04/10/2017 and my father also passed away on the 23/10/2017. My late brother is not married legally in court and did not have a will. My brother's wife has my father's title deed and will and doesn't want to give me anything that belongs to my father. Please advise what needs to be done in this situation.

Making qadha for Salaah missed intentionally

Q: If a person misses zuhur salaah intentionally and it is time for asr. So can he make up zuhur prayer after asr or before asr?.I asked this to scholar and read on which says it is a difference of opinion. The most sound opinion is it is not permissible to make up as qazaa salaah. I see a lot of people in India making up missed prayer after the time has passed but I tell them it is not permissible and they argue. Please explain.

The harms of women attending university

Q: I am 19 years old and I got nikaah with a family friend. It was arranged. We both are married islamically but don't plan on getting a "rukhsati" or living together for the next 3-4 years until I finish my university. So nothings really changed for me, I still live with my family and he lives with his but we're married islamically. However, I regret my decision. We don't really click and I am not happy with him. I regret my decision a lot. I feel like I'm too young and I barely know myself. I want to find myself and just be a normal 19 year old girl going to university. I brought up divorce to my parents and they aren't taking it well at all. They are threatening me and abusing me for even thinking about disgracing them like that. I don't know what to do. should I go through with it and be unhappy for the reason of my life? or should I take a stand and risk getting disowned?