Semen coming out after ghusal

Q: I woke up after having a wet dream. I immediately made Ghusl and then remained awake for sometime during which I performed Salaat. I then urinated. A sticky, semen-like fluid came out with the urine. The urine was also very cloudy indicting the possible presence of semen therein. I therefore made Ghusl again.

1. Was it necessary for me to make Ghusl again after observing this about the urine?

2. Was the Salaat valid?

The address of the Quran being applicable to both men and women

Q: My question is, why doesnt the Holy Quran speak directly to women? The Holy Quran speaks directly to men in several cases but why doesnt it speak directly to women. I am a Muslim and do believe that Allah is the greatest, kind and just and in no way believe that He favoured men over women. Therefore, I do know there must be a reason for why Allah did not directly talk to women in the Holy Quran as with men. I also know that in that age more men could read than women but Allah created the Holy Quran until the end of time not just for that age.


Q: Does our Shariah allow for the boycotting of a particular country or products from a particular country for political reasons even though the products may be halaal suitable? If we do boycott, will we be guilty of making a halaal product haraam for ourselves?

Respecting one's parents

Q: I am a 32 year old unmarried Muslim girl living with my parents. My mother recently told me that my father wants to adopt a son so that there is someone to look after him when he gets old. She says that they think if I ever get married my husband wont allow me to look after them in their old age.

This comment really hurt me because I try very hard to be a good and dutifull daughter and I do my best to help them with their work as much as possible. I have been crying ever since I heard this and I cant stop crying - I cant help the fact that I am not a boy and my father would have preferred a son.

My question is, will there be any reckoning in the hereafter for my parents making such comments? I know that Islam emphasises the importance of parents but what does it say about how parents should act towards their children, even if they are daughters? Will Allah ever question them for saying such things?

Marital problems

Q: My wife keeps falsely accusing me of having affiars. I told her that it is not true and we dont reach any conclusion as she only wants me to accept that I had affairs and must apologise. I cannot do it as she is incorrect. She says she has evidence but refuses to bring it forward. Our marriage is in turmoil. What to we do as we cannot come to agreement. I suggested councelling she refuses.