

Q: Is drop shipping halaal? I intend to sell clothes online via a supplier. The stock resides with the supplier. I will link my online clothing store with the supplier. The client chooses from my brochure and makes payment, then the item will be shipped via courier to the client. Is this permissible?

Working for FLP

Q: I want to know if it is halaal to work in a network marketing company especially in FLP company America.

This is a brief overview of how the company works:

After free registration under sponsorship of a person who I join through his ID, the company is giving us their products (aloevera contained-health products) with some discount to sell them to the general public.

We have to then pass different levels in order to achieve different status in the company

1) We have to buy at least 5000 products and sell them. To achieve the level in which we can add/join some other person under ourselves (under our sponsorship) to do the same business. After achieving this, we become "business owner".

2) We have to sell/recommend the product of cost 33000 to acheive 2cc (cc=case credit), which is common currency of this company all over the world). In this case, we become "assistant supervisor".

Likewise, the more CCs we achieve, the different levels we reach and the higher salaries we earn.

3) Here we receive bonus/passive income from our downlines (the people who joined me or the person who joined them, and carrying on further down the chain) as well. We receive some special percentage of amount from their (downlines) work as well. This earning is called  "bonus or passive income" here.

However, the bonus amount/passive income is subject to a condition that we must fulfil, that we have to generate a special number of CCs (case credits) by ourselves actively, then only we can receive our passive income otherwise we will be denied any passive/bonus income.

Please advise on the permissibility of above.

Designing a structure for a church and selling grapes to someone who will use it to make wine


1. Is it permissible for an engineer to design the structure (i.e. steel in beams, columns, etc.) of a building which the owners will use for producing alcohol?

2. Is it permissible for an engineer to design the structure of a church?

3. Is it permissible to sell grapes to someone who will use it for making wine?

Investing in Kruger coins through FNB

Q: FNB offer a service where one can invest in Kruger Rand gold coins through them. They then store it for you at a fee of 0.86%pa.

-If one wants to sell the coin back to them, its done at the click of a button.
-If one wants the physical coin, they can arrange for it to be delivered to you at a cost.
-Prior to requesting the coin, I'm not sure if they keep the physical coin or not.

Please advise if it will be permissible to purchase a coin through them in this manner.

Supplier putting a condition that a sale cannot be cancelled once an item is ordered

Q: My supplier sends me pictures and specifications of items that he is selling via WhatsApp. Whatever items I want, I order via WhatsApp. Is it permissible for my supplier to put a condition that once I order an item, the order cannot be cancelled, or is stipulating such a condition zulm (oppression and extortion)?

Sale of a Person in Financial Constraints

Q: What is the ruling of Shari’ah in regard to a person who is in financial constraints and people (e.g. his creditors) take advantage of his situation? They are well aware that due to his situation, if they offer him an extremely low price for his goods, he will accept due to his desperation and sell it to them. An item worth R50 will easily be sold to them for R5. Is it permissible for them to ‘squeeze’ him in this manner, due to which they will get much more money from him than he actually owes them?

Purchasing products that have a cross

Q: As we have to buy products like sunscreens and medicine even from the non Muslims (if the ingredients are halaal), they sometimes put crosses on the packaging.For instance, a sunscreen package may have a cross, the same goes for some medicines or patches.

Is it considered haraam for us to buy such medicine or sunscreens if the packaging has a cross?