Hajj & Umrah

Mixing zamzam with one's tea

Q: I heard that mixing some zamzam in a glass of water will give the whole glass of water the qualities of zamzam. Will the same be true for a cup of tea - i.e. would it be recommendable that we add a few drops of zamzam to our daily morning tea, giving it the qualities of zamzam?

Purda in ihraam

Q: Kindly advise us about ihram purdah. We are leaving for umrah in one days time and really in need of naseehat as some people who are studying deen advise that the sin is great if purdah touches the face, so rather not wear. Whilst another person who frequents haram sharief says that ihraam purdah was only introduced recently by the conserved Indian ulama and yet another apaa says that wear a normal purdah and pay dum.We want to wear the ihraam purdah. What is the dum? And can we please be advised regarding purdah in Haram Sharief whilst in ihraam?

Diluted Zam Zam

Q: I have a little zam zam left with me and I want to use it everyday. Can I dilute it with distilled water? Will it still be zam zam? What should be the ratio of dilution? The zam zam we get is already diluted or is it direct from the well?

Making five and a half rounds of sa'ee due to illness

Q: A person went to perform Hajj from Chennai in a situation when doctors advised not to go for hajj as she has back bone disc problem. Any how she arrived for hajj. While performing saee, at safa marwa, only five and half rounds were completed and the remaining two rounds were not performed. What is the ruling , is the hajj valid without umrah being completed. Is sacrifice wajib as penalty - please advise.

The Sunnah of spending the night in mina

Q: In the recent past the Saudi authorities have started keeping haajis in tents put up at Muzdalifah before they proceed to Arafat because of lack of space at Mina. Will the stay of these hajjis be considered as having been spent at Mina like those who actually stay at Mina proper. Secondly hajis returning from Arafat also spend the night in the same area where the tents have been erected at Muzdalifah. Will these hajis be considered as having fulfilled their wuquuf of Muzdalifah (as in reality it is actually proper Muzdalifah).