Hajj & Umrah

Asking family member for forgiveness before going for Hajj

Q: I have two close relatives. Actually very close. One of them fought with me and insulted my husband very badly, his wife and kids were involved in it. At that time we were staying at their house while visiting from another country. The next day the couple apologised to me as they were my relatives. We both forgave them. When we came to our home, he then called me via phone brought up the same topic and started screaming and yelling at me in a very insolent way. I hung up the phone then he wrote an email sent it to all my siblings and said very insulting and awful things about me and my kids, all my siblings were shocked that he talked to me in such a bad manner through email. We have not talked to each other since over one year and he is 10 years younger than me, same kind of situation happened between his sister and I.

This year InshaAllah I am going for Hajj along with my husband. Some one said I should call and talk to him, I did not do anything wrong. It's them who really hurt my feelings along with my husband's within this period of one year. I have been hearing that he has been rubbish talking about me. Will our Hajj be qubool if we don't call him or God forbid not. Will you please guide us?

Tamattu Hajj

Q: I am planing to perform nafil haj and bestow it's rewards to my late parents and elder brother. Please guide me with the detailed procedure for the same. Also let me know whether after rami on 10 th of Zil Haj can I do the Halaq at Makkah instead of Mina and also how many Qurbani should I offer. Lastly since I will be a musafir can I perform sunnat salat also at Makkah, Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa and Madinah?

Purdah in Ihraam

Q: My mother requests a fatwa to show some women regarding the purdah in ihram, explaining:

1. The cloth should not touch the face

2. Purdah has to be observed from ghayr mahrams.

There is a misconception amongst some women who, throughout the year observe purda, اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّه, but due to a certain aalim's wife informing them that purdah is not necessary in ihraam, they discard it during umrah. She also would like to find out from Hazrat that:

3. Is wearing a normal purdah intentionally a major sin?

4. Would this also be the case if out of circumstances, since due to her eyesight, she cannot see with the cap purdah clearly?

5. What would be the penalty if the cap purdah unintentionally touches the face?