Hajj & Umrah

Standing and drinking Zam Zam


  1. I have witnessed many Muslims standing up when they drink Zam Zam Water. Those who sit and drink are being ridiculed by many people and even Mullahs who justify that we must always stand up while drinking Zam Zam Water. 
  2. I have also witnessed many people standing/walking while drinking water and eating dates in Haram Sharief in Makkah. But, the Sunnah of Rasul Allah Sallallaahu Alaihiwa Sallam is that we must always sit while drinking or eating. Please clarify in detail.

Wearing underwear under the ihraam for medical reasons

Q: Recently I underwent and operation for hydrocele in India and came back to jeddah and Joined duty. Now I want to perform umrah, but the problem is I have to wear ihraam towel as per quran and sunnah. Now my question is can I wear underwear under the ihraam otherwise I will feel pain for tawaaf and sa'ai and may cause complications. So please advise me according to quran and sunnah what shall I do?

Sand of Madinah Shareef

Q: The reason for my query is with regards to having sand of Madina sharif in ones possession. A family member came from umrah about two years ago and he gave me a small container with some sand that he brought from madinah sharif. 

A year later I learned that Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb mentioned in one of his bayaans that the earth of Madinah sharif cries out if it is removed from the holy land and whoever has brought any sand from there should return it. I therefore would like to know if the sand I have should be returned as it was not collected by myself.