Conditions & Fundamentals of Hajj and Umrah

Going from Taif to Musjid ul Haraam without performing umrah

Q: I am living in Taif for work purposes. I frequently go for Umrah from Taif, however sometimes I go to Musjid ul Haraam to perform salaah such as the Jumuah salaah.

I have recently been told that it is not permissible to go to Musjid ul Haraam just to perform salaah as respect of the Haram demands that we wear ihraam and perform Umrah before entering. Can you please clarify if it is permissible for me to go to Musjid ul Haraam just to perform salaah without performing Umrah?

Performing fardh hajj or sending one's parents for umrah

Q: My husband and I wanted to do hajj in 2022. We have been waiting for this for three years.

When he was first time eligible for hajj, he sent his parents for hajj to get the reward and to give them a chance first. Due to the pandemic we were not able to go, now we want to go but his parents want him to send them for umrah.

What should we do now, give preference to his parents nafil umrah or to our mandatory hajj? 

Is Mina part of Makkah?

Q: I have read a fatwa of Darul Uloom Deoband that Makkah and Mina are separate places till the day of judgement and also opinion of yours is same. So as there is another opinion which states now Mina is part of Makkah (only for prayer to be full or Qasar).

1. Does that mean that the fatwa which says stay in Makkah before Haj is calculated is intact and will not change?

2. I also came to know that these are differences in fiqhi masaail and it has been there since the Sahaaba, so one should follow anyone and shouldn't object to others.

3. Will a person be sinful if he follows anyone?