Ramadhaan & Fasting

Husband forcing wife to break Ramadhaan fast to engage in sexual relations

Q: What do the scholars say regarding A woman who fasts during Ramadhaan. Her husband is not normally home and comes home for a week during Ramadhaan and forces her to break her fast for sexual relations and he himself doesn't fast. What should this woman do for her fast? Ss she committing sin by this act? Please give guidance.

Discharging fidyah for the deceased and settling his debts

Q: My father passed away recently. My parents were divorced since I was 7 years old. We would only meet as a family a few times a year, so now that he is gone, we are left with questions.

1. If he did not fast due to diabetes, how do we pay fidyah for him? We do not even know the number of days/months/years he did not fast throughout his 64 years of life. Is there an average or estimated amount that we should pay?

2. We understand that wealth can only be distributed after paying off the deceased's debts. However, what happens if the deceased does not have any wealth? What if the debt is too large an amount for the children to bear? Is there a guideline to this?