Eating turkey on Christmas day

Q: My question is about Christmas Day. On this day all of my family are off work. My brother comes from London to meet my parents and all the brothers and sisters get together. We usually have a meal at my parents house. This is the time when turkey is available in abundance. So this is usually what is cooked. It has been brought to our attention that we are copying the Chritian faith in doing so. However, for us it is a get together because apart from the 2 Eids this is the only time we are off work together. Your thoughts on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Doubts regarding showing off

Q: I recently heard a lecture about riya (showing off). I am a student learning the Quran. My intention for learning to memorize the Quran was done so I could obtain a higher position with my Creator. When I started my studies while practicing the Verses, I realized that my thoughts were tilted towards perfecting my recitation so my teacher would be pleased and I wouldn't make mistakes in front of my class mates. So I concluded that my intention had changed and I was now doing it for people instead of my Creator, as a result I stopped attending classes for a while then a resumed after a while.

My questions are, is my heart committing riya? How do I fix this problem? Should I stop attending school and manage with what I have learned to be on the safe side?

Selling an app

Q: I want to create a learming app in urdu. It will have takhtees with the voice of my nephew and exercises for learning urdu and no pictures of living things. Is it permissible to create and sell such an app?

Applying for a bursary

Q: Will applying for a busary be regarded as a form of begging? I am unemployed but not disadvantaged or financially needy. The busary will be given based mainly on my academic performance. The busary may be paid back voluntarily - I will not be obligated in any way.