Nikaah & Marriage Issues

Getting married to one's foster sisters brother

Q: I am writing to seek your guidance on a family matter concerning marriage eligibility in Islam. 

I am considering the possibility of proposing marriage between my daughter and her first cousin from mother side. However, there is a specific detail that we need to clarify: the boy's younger sister is also our daughter's radaai sister (sister through breastfeeding). 

Given this relationship, I am unsure if it is permissible for my daughter to marry her cousin. Could you please provide clarity on this matter according to Islamic principles?

Terminating the pregnancy after four months

Q: My husband and I have been married for 20 years and we have tried our best to have children during this time. I have pursued fertility treatments for 16 years but was unable to conceive. After numerous consultations and duaas we decided to opt for adoption and 2 years ago welcomed a baby boy through that in our lives. 

Now with no treatment of any kind, I have conceived SubhanAllah. It has been 6 weeks and my body has shown numerous signs of health issues. I have been hospitalized twice for various conditions that doctors cannot treat until the end of pregnancy. I was also recently diagnosed with diabetes, under active thyroid and debilitating anxiety and for all those I am required to take medication. 

The baby seems to be okay for now, but the toll on my health so early on is unprecedented. I live in the United States and here doctors never tell you what’s right for you. They only present the conditions and let patients decide. 

In a situation like this, where both physical and mental health are compromised is abortion allowed as a consideration?