Hajj & Umrah

Asking one's hajj agent for what was promised in the package

Q: I am planned to perform hajj for 2020. I am told by my friends that if the agent does not keep his promises about what was explained to me about the packages, it’s haraam to question him.

My question is, I am paying the money as per the package so why should I have no right to ask him why he is not keeping his promise as per the package? Also, if no one asks him about it then he will keep cheating every year.

Please let me know if I have my right to ask him or it’s a sin to ask him.

Passing the meeqaat without ihraam

Q: I came from Pakistan for umrah and performed umrah successfully. Then we (my wife and I) went to Madinah Munawwarah and thought of doing another umrah. One night before I had a flu and pain in my body so we postponed the intention of umrah. We reached Makkah and then next day we performed umrah after going to masjid Ayesha. Someone said that whether you have the intention of umrah or not you should enter Meqaat in ihraam. Kindly help me in this regard as I have last 3 days in Makkah. If dam is waajib and we don't have that amount of money then what do we do?