Hajj & Umrah

Using one's children's investment money or taking an interest free loan to go for hajj


1. If I am planning to go for hajj and trying to gather funds, can I use the investments I made for my kids towards my hajj? Do I have to repay it when I get back?

2. Can family members (wife/mother) give me money for hajj as an interest free loan to be repaid as I see fit when I return?

Passing the meeqaat with the intention of performing umrah without tying ihraam

Q: 3 weeks ago I came from Pakistan to Riyadh. Now I went from Riyadh to Jeddah to my brothers house but I didn't wear ihram and I didn't take any niyyat for Umrah. I was thinking that I will go for Umrah after 3-4 days. But now my father says that I have to give damm (penalty) because I supposed to go for Umrah first. I am in confusion about this issue.

Women travelling without a mahram according to the new law of the Saudi government

Q: Saudia Arabia has announced that women do not need a mahram for umrah or hajj. They can come by their own and perform umrah or hajj. How valid is this fatwa?

My sister has gone without mehram for umrah. There are 10 females and one male (the male is not a mahram for my sister). What is the validity of her umrah? She says that the Saudi government has given a fatwa so she can go without a mahram.

When she comes back, she is planning to go with my mother who is 75 years old without a mahram after 2 months. Only the 2 of them will be going. Can they go according to the new Saudi rule?

Umrah and hajj are now very expensive and spending money and going there just to know that they were not valid feels very sad.