Hajj & Umrah

Performing tawaaf on the upper level

Q: If someone, as part of umrah, performs tawaf in the top level mataf (which is made for people with wheelchairs), will the tawaf be valid even if he is healthy and able to perform tawaf on the ground floor? I am asking since a family member is wheelchair bound, and it is easiest if the whole family sticks together and perform umrah together with him rather than splitting up, which would mean that everyone would perform tawaf on the top floor.

Doing sa'ee on a wheelchair


1. Zaid is unable to do 7 circuits Sai of Safa Marwa walking in one go due to sickness (arthritis) but is able to do half a circuit or one circuit daily. Is there any penalty if Zaid does 7 circuits of Sai in one go sitting on a wheelchair?

2. In the above situation Zaid did complete Sai of Safa Marwa sitting on a wheelchair last year is there any penalty?

3. If penalty is compulsory and Zaid goes for Umrah again this year, does Qadha of the Sai of Safa Marwa, will the penalty fall off?

Wearing undergarments in the state of ihraam

Q: The following two errors were made by me unintentionally whilst in Ihraam.

1) When I put on the Ihraam I forgot to remove my underpants. I realised this after about 20 minutes. I removed it immediately thereafter.

2) After coming out of the toilet, I washed my hands using soap unintentionally. Please advise what compensation is due from me, and please advise whether the compensation must be paid/done in Makkah or if it can be done here.