Hajj & Umrah

Boundary of Muzdalifah and Mina

Q: The Saudi authorities have included a considerable area of Muzdalifah into Mina proper and named it as New Mina and they accommodate pilgrims in this area as if it is Mina proper. However many haajis returning from Arafat in Haj also spend the night here as for all practical reasons it is actually a part of Muzdalifah as per the boundaries that existed during Prophet's time. So does Wuquuf of Muzdalifah of these Hajees get fulfilled? And also then what is the status of haajis who are lodged here (New Mina) instead of within the actual boundaries of Mina as it existed during the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's) era.

Haaji being turned back at the airport

Q: I want to ask you a very important question regarding Hajj as we are unable to find the answer to this problem. My parents were supposed to perform a Hajj this year, everything was set, they received their hajj visas, had their tickets booked too, but the day of their flight, a letter was issued by the government of Saudi Arabia that no more hajis are allowed to perform hajj after 5 Zil Hajjah. Hence, my parents returned home as the staff at the airport wouldn't let them go. My parents did the niyyah for hajj but hadn't worn their ihraam yet and decided to wear it upon reaching Dubai so that they could wear it from Dubai to Saudi Arabia. The question is whether they're supposed to pay kuffarah as a verse related to this is mentioned in Surah Baqarah. My parents are confused regarding this and seek guidance. Kindly guide us through this problem whether they should pay kuffarah and if so, what should the kuffarah be.

Using a mask in Ihraam

Q: I have a few questions regarding hajj.

1. For example while in Ihram can one wipe his head and face with a small hand towel as it is going to be hot, especially in arafah?

2. While in Ihram can one use toothpaste to brush?

3. When you are in Ihram can one wear a dust mask as they are sensitive towards dust and fumes?


Q: I am little bit worry about this still this doubt give me stress. I had completed my Hajj before 3 years I had done all things step by step after complete my hajj suddenly a doubt came in my mind whether I had done wudhu and ghusl completly and properly or I had missed something. I am not sure about this so is my hajj valid? I know its waswasa I always try to ignore this doubt but I can't. How can I get rid out of this situation please advise me.