Ramadhaan & Fasting

Not fasting in the month of Ramadhaan on account of taking part in a soccer event

Q: The company I work for hosts a soccer event once a year for all African countries and this year the event falls in Ramadaan. They have tried their best to look for alternate dates but because there will be 700 participants they cannot get get accommodation at any other time. They are very concerned about the +/- 15 Muslim participants and the ruling regarding fasting for these travellers from Senegal and Ivory Coast.

Please can you advise on the correct ruling regarding exemption in this regard.

Doubted whether one ate after sehri time ended


1. I am making up the fasts that I missed in Ramadhaan. Today fajr began at 5:52am but I mistakenly assumed it was 5:56am and I can’t remember if I ingested anything intentionally/unintentionally between that time. Can I assume my fast is valid?

2. On another day whilst making up my fasts I was unwell and had a sore throat and was coughing quite harshly. In my head I thought if I vomit or if something comes out whilst coughing then I will be ok with that. Nothing came out after coughing. Is my fast spoiled because of this thought?