Ramadhaan & Fasting

Qadha for fasts that were broken due to masturbating


1. Prior to 1 year earlier, I did not know that masturbation breaks the fast and I used to do it in the state of fasting. Do I still have to make qada even if I did not know it at that time?

2. If yes, how should I calculate how many fasts I should make qada for? I am not sure how many of my fasts were broken like this. How many qadas should I make if I did not know this for 5-6 years after becoming baligh?

3. Should I make qada for all the fasts for the past 5-6 years or is there a specific number I can keep to make it alright?

4. Am I obligated to keep all the qada fasts together or can I keep them once or twice a week?

Taking a shower while in sunnat itikaaf

Q: I would like to have some clarity regarding the issue of having a shower while in sunnat itikaaf. According to some Ulama, the only time one could have a ghusl, not a shower, is if one had a wet dream in the musjid and is forced to make ghusal.

The permissibility of allowing people to have have showers with no valid reason has started very recently over the last few years and was never heard of in the past unless compulsion of ghusal.

Fasting of a pregnant woman

Q: What is the sharee ruling regarding fasting in pregnancy:

a. If a woman who is in her third trimester leaves her fasts fearing that she will not be able to bear the hunger and thirst and might end up breaking the fast, will it be permissible for her to miss her fast with this intention?

b. Is doctor's permission required to leave the Ramadan fasts in such condition? What if she is not able to consult a doctor as nowadays due to coronavirus doctors are hardly available.

c. If such a pregnant woman often suffers from nausea and vomiting and misses her Ramadan fasts thinking that she might not feel well, will it be permissible for her to do so?

d. Under what conditions will the pregnant woman be allowed to miss her Ramadan fasts?

Gargling while fasting

Q: I have an asthma problem, due to which I am unable to hold my breath as long as a normal person does. Due to this, my main concern is with regards to gargling and rinsing of the nostrils in ghusul and wudhu. What should I do when I am fasting? Because, at times, when I gargle, I feel the water going down my throat (because of the shortness of my breath), despite me trying to keep the water at the front of my mouth.