Nikaah & Marriage Issues

Girl attracted to the same gender

Q: If a girl has been behaving like a boy naturally since birth, she has a strong fear of Allah and a desire to walk according to Islam. She tried to correct herself and did everything that girls do, but it didn't make any difference and she is still attracted to girls. All of this is natural for her. She has now decided to seek medical help and undergo hormone therapy because she is not getting better despite waiting and trying. She has a strong hatred for LGBTQ. She also visited a doctor and the doctor said to them, do a harmons therapy. Please give me answer what should they do?

Prospective couple meeting and not delaying the marriage


1.When can a proposal be rejected in Islam?

2.Is it correct to ask for a prospective spouse who has a sunnah beard and sunnah dressing? I don't like a modern lifestyle because it's not what I am accustomed to nor brought up with.

3. How many times can a prospective couple meet under supervision if they need to discuss aspects of nikaah?

4. After the proposal a bride accepts, within how many days does one have to make nikaah... since it is emphasized in Hadith to hasten for nikkah to take place.