Nikaah & Marriage Issues

Informing a prospective spouse regarding an operation one underwent in which my one testicle was completely removed

Q: I underwent through orchiectomy, in which my one testicle is completely removed. My doctor said, one remaining testicle is usually enough for reproduction and sexual health. Alhamdulilah with the blessing of Allah, no further treatment is required as testicle tumor was in its very initial stage. I will only be under periodic surveillance in which scans and blood test will be conducted.

Now, I am planning to get married, so my question is, is it necessary to inform the girls family about this operation which I underwent. I dont want to tell them about this as it is quite embarrassing and will lead to confusion at their end. Please pray for my health and for my nikaah. 

Comparing one's husband to other men

Q: What if someone feels intensely jealous of others and they just don't naturally find contentment in their heart when they look at their own blessings? Like a woman loves her husband and can't imagine life without him but unconsciously, she compares him with other men.

Does this mean that she doesn't actually love her husband in truth? She is disloyal to him?

She can't find it inside her heart to be happy although there is nothing wrong with the man. He has good character but her eyes just seem to be trained on others, ignoring what she has.

Please give a general advice on jealousy and if this means that the woman is not loyal.