Nikaah & Marriage Issues

Marrying a Shia

Q: I am a sunni girl, Sayyed by cast and got a proposal from a Khoja Shia non Sayyed boy.

My question is, is it ok to get married into a Shia family? If so, what is the right way to do nikaah? Should it be done both ways? 

Asian custom of bride's sisters taking money from the groom on their wedding day

Q: I have a question regarding a tradition called "dood pilai" in Asian households.

During weddings, there is a tradition in which the brides sisters take money from the groom and in return give him a glass of milk. It's usually pre planned with the groom so he comes prepared. This event involves free mixing during the wedding and also pardah is not observed properly.

My question is, is the money which the bride's sisters took from the groom haram in these circumstances? Is it haram to use or keep it as a gift?

Does not observing modesty during this event make the money haram to keep or spend? If the groom earned it through halal means but it was transferred to me through free mixing, does it make the money haram to spend?

Ownership of money given to one's child

Q: I am almost 16 years old. My parents give me pocket money every month. When they give me this money, do I become the Maalik (owner) of that money or does it remain under the ownership of my parents?

If sometimes they need some money, they ask me to lend them some money as loan. And if my mother thinks that I am not spending my money right, she takes my purse and money from me and keeps it with her and returns it after some time.

If I save that money over time and buy an online course with that money. The online course is about how to earn money online. So, if I learn from that course how to earn money online and then I earn money online, will that money which I earn, be considered under my ownership or my parents ownership? Because if it is in my parents ownership then it will be divided in Wirasat.

Muslim girl taking consent from her non Muslim father or brother before getting married

Q: I want to marry a woman who has become Muslim, but her family is kafir. Her father is divorced from her mother and has not lived with him for more than 10 years and she lives with her mother and younger brother.

In this case does the girl need to ask permission or have the consent of someone from her family (Wali) or can she marry me only with her own consent?