Nikaah & Marriage Issues

Making a marriage public via social media by posting pictures of the couple to have more people to witness the nikaah

Q: Is it permissible to make a marriage public via social media?

For example, since a marriage must be made public, can I post a photo of my spouse and me together on Instagram since I will then have more than two witnesses? Does that meet the condition of making marriage public, which the Prophet insisted upon?

Secret nikaah

Q: I'm with a person for many years. But now we live in the same place because we are studying in the same state. We meet every day and shake hands or be together that puts us under extreme guilt. From the start we only had an intention to get married SO we have now. We can't tell our parents this time because we live in a high society where you are supposed to get married when you achieve something in life, have a great job and everything. But we are still studying.

Now we are at the same place so we come in touch and we want to make our relationship halaal by doing nikaah so as not to get in any haraam things. Our age is 25. Can you please enlighten us in this matter. How we are supposed to do it? When in future we will do it in front of our parents that time do we have to give divorce first? Can we marry the same person twice?

Husband cooking for the family

Q: I would like to find out if it's okay for a man to cook for his family ungrudgingly while fulfilling the duties out of the home, out of love for cooking and serving one's spouse in the sense of cooking? Would it be a problem in the long run in the relationship between the spouses?

The wife does clean the house, wash clothes, iron and other household duties but the man likes to cook. Is it against the integrity of being a man and against the sunnat?

Giving more mahr to the second wife

Q: In Islam, a man is allowed to get married to 4 women. If he wants to marry a girl when he already has his first wife, does he have to mention the same amount of mehar that he had given to his first wife or can he give his second wife more than what he gave the first wife as mehar.

If he wants to give his second wife more mehar than the first wife's mehar, is there any problem in that or should he maintain an equal amount of money for both?

Husband taking a Christian as a second wife and ill-treating the first wife


1. My husband married a Christiam girl who didn't convert to Islam. Is the nikaah valid?

2. He stays 1 night only with us and its affecting my children now. Is this permissible? He treats me, as a first wife, very badly. He talks rudely to me and is always angry with me. His 2nd family is always treated well.