Nikaah & Marriage Issues

Witnesses being present when taking consent from the girl at home before the nikaah

Q: In my country, before the actual nikaah, the qadhi goes to the bride's house to get her signature. Some people insist that there should be 2 witnesses there and some say no since this is not an actual nikaah but just to confirm that the bride has given her permission.

What is the ruling here? Should there be 2 witnesses when the bride gives her approval at her house and they have to be present in the nikaah to confirm that OR the mere statement of a wali during the nikaah (that my daughter has given her approval) is taken to be sufficient without the involvement of any witness (to confirm the above)?

Wife seeking husband's permission to go sleep

Q: At 6pm I feed my family. My husband comes late so he eats at 8pm earliest. I try to have my kitchen clean by the time I go to bed at 9pm or 10pm. I check on my husband. We sleep seperate (not ideal but it is what it is). I say goodnight to him and I go to my bed.

Sometimes he tells me that I am not allowed to go to sleep unless he gives me permission to go sleep? Am I disobedient if I go sleep?

This statement makes me feel like a slave and not like a wife.

Is this the level of obedience a wife must give to seek permission for basic human needs?

Marrying two sisters

Q: My husband manipulated my sister and got married to my sister without giving me a divorce. When my sister got to know that their marriage is not valid after a year, she got married to another man. That man left my sister beacuse he thought she did nikah on nikah, but that was not the case.

Right of a mother in making decisions for her children

Q: I have 2 children aged 2 years old and a 3 month old baby. My husband tells me that I have no right in making any decisions for the babies such as something as small as cutting or triming their hair, he has every right to make the decisions. Is he right?

What rights does a mother have? Should I just keep quite and let him do as he pleases even if it makes me unhappy?

Birth announcement posters

Q: I would like to know the status of making a digital announcement poster upon the birth of a child.

Nowadays, people make a digital poster that they either put on their status or send to people announcing the birth of a child (no photograph of the child). Some go to the extent of putting the child's weight and height.

Personally, this is not something I am in support of however with extended family, there seems to be no control with regards to things like this.

Is it acceptable to allow this to happen or should the extended family be told not to do it?